1317 San Pablo Ave
Berkeley, California 94702

If a good fusion band is one that knows how to combine the best of all their worlds into a sound that's immediately engaging and stays that way, then Hamsa Lila goes beyond good and well into the realm of great. Hamsa Lila is based in San Francisco, which may account for the rather psychedelic quality of their music. However, much of their melodic muscle comes from liberal use of guimbri and sintir, stringed gut-and-skin instruments that in Morocco are the rough equivalent of guitar and bass. A standard drum set sharpens and regulates the rhythmic flow, but don't assume for a minute that this music sounds reined in. It's as free-spirited as music gets, extending an invitation to dance and trance that's hard to resist. Incantory female vocals, African, Arabic, Asian and Latin grooves and ancient atmospherics rubbing elbows with modern ones are all part of the Hamsa Lila signature sound.

Added by Upcoming Robot on November 19, 2008

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