HamEXPO! -- the Belton Hamfest
Saturday,April 18, 2009
Bell County Expo Center in Belton, Texas
From Interstate 35 take Exit 292 to the Dome (1/4 mile)
Only 50 miles north of Austin
Just 130 miles north of San Antonio
140 miles south of Dallas / Ft. Worth
165 miles northwest of Houston
ATTENTION, SELLERS -- PRE-REGISTER for Friday setup (April 17). ORif not pre-registered,buy spaces at the door on Friday (2:00 - 9:00 p.m.). All indoor spaces have free electricity.
Commercial & Non-Commercial spaces available at the doorSaturday morning, FIRST COME, FIRST SERVED.
1. COMMERCIAL VENDOR TABLES FOR FRIDAY SETUP: $25.00 EACH. Free electricity. Overnight security guard. Sack lunch on Saturday.2. INDOOR TAILGATERS (NON-Commercial sellers): PRE-REGISTER. Set up on Friday.
2 choices: (a.) Indoor Tailgate Space (sell from your trailer, truck, etc. -- no table) $15.00 per each indoor parking space
** OR **
(b.) Indoor Non-Commercial Vendor Table, $15.00 each
The only FRIDAY activity is setup for dealers and pre-registered non-commercial "tailgaters," 2:00 p.m. til 9:00 p.m. On Saturday, Indoor Non-Commercial tailgate SPACES bought at the door -- $10.00 each. ADD A TABLE(s) for an additional $10.00 each. Saturday setup cannot be pre-registered.
Outdoor Parking Lot Sellers--$5.00 per occupied parking space, whether setting up Friday or Saturday. May pre-register. Tail-GATOR ID/Receipt available at Registration Desk.
HamEXPO! -- your opportunity to sell product or distribute information to about 1,500 motivated people on a Saturday morning. If youve been here, you know this is a first class event. If you havent tried HamEXPO!, let us show you its profitable benefits. All indoor spaces have free electricity. There are a limited number of spaces against the wall. All pre-registrations are classified as either COMMERCIAL, NON-COMMERCIAL vendors, or PARKING LOT SELLERS. COMMERCIAL VENDOR spaces with tables (8): $25.00 each. You must set up on Friday,April 17between 2:00 and 9:00 p.m. You may drive your vehicle inside to unload. If you need to set up on Saturday morning, you must do it between 5:30 and 7:00 a.m. NO PRE-REGISTRATION. Cannot drive inside to unload on Saturday. For Saturday setup, spaces must be bought at the door, 5:30-7:00 a.m. The DEADLINE for pre-registeringisApril 17, 5:00 a.m. ATTENTION COMMERCIAL VENDORS: Please use the QUESTIONNAIRE on this Registration to list the NAMES of each person in your group who will need a floor pass--even if it is just yourself. Passes will be waiting at the Registration Table. Reserve your space at HamEXPO! -- the Belton Hamfest -- today.
THE ADMISSION FEE for the public is $3.00 per person (children under 12 free). There isNO additional admission fee for anyone with a Commercial, Tailgater, or Parking Lot Vendor space. CANCELLATIONS: Reservations canceled beforeApril 13, 2009, will receive a full refund. Reservations canceled on or afterApril 13, 2009,will receive a 50-percent refund. The HamEXPO! committee of Temple Amateur Radio Club is working to make this another profitable event for you. Remember -- about 80 percent of the population of Texas lives within 200 miles of HamEXPO!
Questions? Please phone or e-mail. See you at HamEXPO! in Belton, Texas. P.S. Check the HamEXPO! link at www.beltonhamexpo.org-- See you at Belton! P.P.S. Most commercial vendors donate a door prize or two. If you have something, please bring it to the Registration Table with your business card attached so we cansend winners to visit your display. Thanks!
Organized by Temple Amateur Radio Club -- Temple, TexasHamEXPO! -- sponsored by Temple Amateur Radio Club (TARC). E-mail to
hamexpo@tarc.orgCall Mike WA5EQQ at (254) 773-3590 (10 a.m. - 9 p.m.)- ANSWERING MACHINE picks upAFTER 5 RINGS -- LEAVE A MESSAGE.Talk-In: 146.820- (Tone 123.0)
Ticket Info: - COMMERCIAL VENDOR - Friday setup only, $25.99
- Indoor Vehicle Space, for NON-COMMERCIAL Seller -- NO Table - Friday setup, $15.99
- Parking Lot Tail-GATOR -- pay per occupied outdoor parking space (how many?), $5.99
- Indoor Table for NON-COMMERCIAL Seller - Friday setup, $15.99
- BOX LUNCHES for Commercial Vendor crew members, $7.99
Official Website: http://hamexpo-09-upcoming.eventbrite.com