1400 Sixth Avenue
Seattle, Washington

I AM EQUAL Project
Seattle's Chance to Speak Up for Equality

Be part of something BIG…8,000 square feet kind of BIG! Join The World Is Fun as we help represent Seattle in the “I AM EQUAL” project. Matt Spencer, an international fashion photographer, is out to beat the world record for the largest photo mosaic with over 125,000 individual photos from 175 cities around the world representing people who are passionate about many issues & causes including equality for all. At TWIF we like to have a lot of fun & we like to do things a little differently & we are out to beat the all city record of 1000 photos!

Help TWIF put Seattle on the top by showing up big & being photographed for your issue or cause. Did we mention that we also like to do things a little differently? Wear something bright, stand out, show your individuality, and demonstrate your equality. Can’t decide on an issue or cause that you want to support for this project? TWIF suggests speaking out for foster kids, alleviating hunger and annihilating homelessness.

Want to do even more? We need a few outgoing individuals to step up and stand out as volunteers at this project from 10:30am-4pm & 3:45-9pm. How passionate are you?
Sign up at http://theworldisfun.org/comingevents.php?E=68 or email volunteer@theworldisfun.org

The World is Fun (commonly referred to as TWIF) connects local volunteers and businesses with charities, providing fun and unique opportunities for community members to align themselves with important causes.

TWIF is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization working to engage Seattleites in their 20s and 30s. The organization seeks to strengthen Seattle’s spirit of community by providing volunteer opportunities and hosting unique social events in local neighborhoods. TWIF caters to the interests of young urbanites in hopes of getting members of this underrepresented demographic involved in local volunteer efforts.

Official Website: http://theworldisfun.org/comingevents.php?E=68

Added by theworldisfun.org on April 4, 2011

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