Halloween Costume contest::
Cash Prize
Jamie Ayres Project 8:45
Jamie Ayres [Influences] - My two most favorite artists are Zac Maloy and Pearl Jam [Sounds Like] - I can't decide.. You tell me http://www.myspace.com/jamieayresmusic
Lost Letters to Santa 10:00
Halloween Party: Costume Contest, Prizes L.L.T.S writes a wide range of music. Everything from straight ahead rock, blues with a funk backbone and jazzy ballads. With Georgia's strong vocals and melodies, Eriks guitar expertise and cutting riffs and Ines and Jeff in the poket, L.L.T.S is a great listen! Visit us at www.myspace.com/lostletterstosanta. We hope to see you at our shows!
Official Website: http://jeramisbarandgrill.com
Added by jeramis on October 7, 2007
Man Jamie Ayres f'ing rocks!!!!!! I mean although he is debuting at Jerami's Bar and Grill the night of his best friend's 28th birthday, and should be celebrating with him as requested on his deathbed at St. Jude's Hospital. Anyway get a chance check out his myspace page, specifically his rendition of Snoop Dogg's hit. I mean if you yearned for the soothing melody of John Meyer and the lyricistical talent of Snoop Dog then Jamie is that hybrid. Peace!!!!!