100 W Grand Ave
Chicago, Illinois 60610


Creepin Halloween Trolley Crawl
10 Bars throughout the city
8 Trolleys to take you there!
Hop on and hop off every 15 minutes a new trolley will arrive
1 Free beer Coors Light at Check In Bar
Coors Light provided on the trolleys
Drink Specials and Costume Contests at many bars
Express Entry and No COver at each Bar

Pre Register at Fado on Friday October 26 between 6:00 pm and 10:00 pm for easy hop on and off for Saturday!


Saturday October 27


Several bars throughout Lincoln Park, Old Town, Gold Coast, River North and more!

Bars will be added:

Declan's- Old Town
Fado- River North- $3 Coors Light Bottles
Uncle Fatty's- Lakeview- $3 Coors Light Bottles
Dilinger's- Lincoln Park- $4 Coors Light Bottles and $100 Costume Contest
Sully's House- Lincoln Park- $3 Coors Light Pints
Red Canary- River West- $4 Coors Light and $500 Costume contest, be there by Midnight!
Beer and Clark St Beach- Wrigleyville
Social 25- RIver North
Mercer 113- River North

More bars will be added as well as offered specials!
Deal Description

Its Halloween, well weekend! We have the ultimate experience for you! If you get a bit cold waiting for cabs, standing in lines or just wondering where to go to show off that great costume....My Drink On has got you this year!

We will have a Halloween Trolley Crawl with a goal of 2000 people spanning 10 bars, 8 trolleys, sponsored beer and drink specials for all of Saturday night! We will even have a few costume contests going on!

Tickets for this awesome event start at only $15 but will go up soon, so BUY NOW!

Also iPhone users for easy purchase and check in, download our free My Drink On app!

Official Website: http://mydrinkon.com/halloween-crawl/

Added by MyDrinkOn.com on October 3, 2012

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