Enjoy a Halloween evening of Family Fun, Fright and Fellowship hosted by the SMI Men’s Club. All are invited on Saturday, October 29 at 6:00pm in the St. Mary Immaculate Gym located at 15629 South Rt. 59, in Plainfield.
Enter the Costume contest and the Pumpkin-weight guessing contest. There are games and a haunted-house for the children and a DJ for dancing. We’ll be serving chili with a topping bar, hot dogs and nachos, all included in the price of admission. Soft drinks and beer will be available for purchase.
The admission cost is just $5.00 per person or $15.00 for the entire family when purchased at the door. Admission can also be pre-paid at $13.00 per family. You’ll find your pre-pay form at the Commons Reception Desk or in the Bulletin. Deliver completed forms with your $13 check to the Commons Receptionist by Thursday, Oct. 27. Your family name will be on a list for you at the door.
Contact David Fieldman at 815-546-6287 or email dfiel3744@hotmail.com.
With over 7,500 member families, St. Mary Immaculate is a vibrant, welcoming Catholic community with over 100 ministries serving the Plainfield area. For more information about St. Mary Immaculate Parish or any of its many services, please call 815-436-2651 or visit us at www.smip.org.
Official Website: http://www.smip.org
Added by debachtel on October 3, 2011