Halloween Masquerade & Techno Contra Dance
Sponsor: Spokane Folklore Society (http://www.spokanefolklore.org 509-747-2640)
Day: Saturday
Date: Oct 29
Time: 7:00 pm
Caller Ray Polhemus
DJ Gaga
Venue: The East Spokane Grange (Air conditioned!).
Address: 1621 N. Park Road, Spokane Valley, WA 99212 (on Park Road between Mission & Trent) Directions from Spokane. Take the 90 freeway east to the Broadway exit. Exit freeway and go eastbound on Broadway till you hit Park. Turn north on Park and proceed till you arrive at 1621 N. Park Rd.
There is plenty of free parking.
For this special event dance tickets are $8.00 in advance $12.00 at the door for all comers. Tickets are available for purchace at Chairs Coffee on Indiana Ave and at our weekly contras.
On Halloween weekend, Saturday, October 29th, the Spokane Folklore Society will present our first annual …Techno Contra Deca-dance! Hosted by DJ Gaga and caller Ray Polhemus, Deca-dance will be an event to remember. Formerly the host of Spintronica on KYRS and owner of United Groove Merchants, DJ Gaga will be spinning a live mix of techno/electronica while Ray calls traditional contra. The East Spokane Grange will be transformed for the event by the magic of fog machines and wicked lighting effects (no worries migraine suffers, we’ve banned strobes). Come dressed in your best Halloween garb and ready to win prizes in our costume contest. Join us as we Spokanites collectively realize “Huh, you can dance contra to just about anything!” Don’t worry folk bands, we love you, this is just for Halloween, so come on out at give it a go!
Tickets will be available for advanced purchase at our regular Wednesday dances leading up to the event, and every day of the week at our event partner Chairs Coffee, 113 W Indiana, Spokane, WA 99205. The more people buy in advance the better the prizes will be, so buy early and buy often. This is a great chance to bring contra curious friends and show them that contra ain’t square!
See a sample of Techno contra Dance:
Added by EnergyFan on October 5, 2011