1634 University Blvd.NE Corner of University and Indian School
Albuquerque, New Mexico 87131

Does your child love music? This camp for ages 7-14, offered through UNM Continuing Education, will take your child on a cultural journey across the world to learn and practice African drumming. After making their very own gourd drum and shekere, campers will learn dancing and drumming in preparation for a performance at the end of the week. All drums and supplies will be provided. Camp runs July 18, 2011 through 22, 2011 daily from 9:00am-12:00pm on UNM Main Campus. Tuition is $150. For more information contact Naomi Sandweiss at 505-277-6098 or visit dce.unm.edu.

Official Website: http://dce.unm.edu

Added by CE_Posts on April 13, 2011