'HAITI: The Untold Story,' a documentary film by Kevin Pina of the current struggle in that conflicted country, will be shown Thursday, January 26 at 7 p.m. in St. John's Hall. Paul Smith of the Haiti Justice Committee will introduce the film and moderate a discussion following the screening.
Haiti, one of the poorest nations of the world, has a history of violence and exploitation. What is the situation now as it struggles to maintain a democracy? Will the elections in early February be a 'demonstration' elections? What are the hopes of the people? What role has the US played in Haiti in recent years and in the past? What should the US role be now?
The meeting is sponsored by the St. John's Peace and Justice Group, Northfield People for Peace and Goodwill, and the Haiti Justice Committee.
Everyone is welcome!
Added by Judith Stoutland on January 16, 2006