In anticipation of this year's production of the musical Hairspray, Mountain Play Association will present an interactive, "sing-along" screening of the movie musical of the popular Broadway hit. Itself based on John Waters' original movie and set in 1962 Baltimore, Hairspray the musical is a joyous send-up of rock ‘n' roll teen comedies with a positive message about racial justice. The all-star cast includes John Travolta, Michelle Pfeiffer, Christopher Walken, Nikki Blonsky, Amanda Bynes, Zac Efron and Queen Latifah. Film 117 min. and rated PG. (US 2007).
The Mountain Play Association's mission is to produce an annual outdoor theatrical experience that nurtures and appreciation of Mt. Tamalpais, involves and strengthens the community and builds on a tradition of serving the Bay Area community since 1913. Mountain Play's production of Hairspray opens on May 22. Visit
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Added by cmargaritafranco on April 7, 2011