This is going to be the third German Hadoop get together in Berlin. There are slots of 20min each for talks on your Hadoop topic. After each talk we have time for questions and discussions.
You can order drinks directly at the bar in the newthinking store. As this Get Together takes place in December - Christmas time - we offer cookies as well. There are quite a few good restaurants nearby, so we can go there after the official part.
Two talks have been scheduled so far:
* Stefan Groschupf will present his project katta.
* Alexander Löser: "Business Intelligence-Over-Text using Hadoop".
We are still looking for one or more interesting talks. We would like to invite you, the visitor to also tell your Hadoop story. If you like, you can bring slides - newthinking provides a beamer. Please send your proposal at
A big Thanks goes to the newthinking store for providing a room in the center of Berlin for us.
Added by coonmainec on November 24, 2008