425 Lafayette Street
New York City, New York 10003

This holiday season, light up your Menorah with Rebbetzin Hadassah Gross, as the flaming “First Lady of Judeo-Kitsch” (Heeb Magazine) presents a provocative unwrapping of ancient tales and tunes from the annals of Judeo mythology. With Brian Gelfand at the piano, and Elana Architzel on drums, enter the Rebbetzin’s salon and unwrap the real reason for the season!

“[Amichai] Lau-Lavie’s Rebbetzin is to Hungary what Sacha Baron Cohen’s Borat is to Kazakhstan: a dead-on take on a foreigner all too willing to introduce sexual matters in the most unlikely of places” (Heeb Magazine). For adult audiences.

By Phone: 212-967-7555
On the Web: www.joespub.com
In Person: The Public Theater Box Office from 1pm to 6pm, Joe’s Pub from 6pm to 10pm

Official Website: http://www.hadassahgross.com/

Added by Storahtelling on November 22, 2006