Welcome to the opening HackLlan Llangollen Hackspace Meeting.
Llangollen Hackspace is a place for anyone with an interest in technology, electronics, software + hardware development, robotics, crafting, making and hacking to come together and make things and share ideas in a friendly, relaxed atmosphere.
Up for discussion will be-
What you understand a hackspace is and what it's for
How we can best use the space we have available
What we'd like to make (individually)
What we can make (as a group project)
Any workshops or learning requirements
We'd also like to hear about (or better still, see) any projects that people are working on, so please bring them along. We'll also discuss running our first workshop which is pencilled in for Thursday 13th October - an Introduction to Electronics and Microcontrollers
Added by blinky465 on September 22, 2011