451 West Street (West Side Highway)
New York City, New York 10014

Habib Albi is?Not a Man - performed poetry show > March 10 7:30pm > Brecht
Forum - 451 West St. Bank/Bethune ? brechtforum.org 212.242.4201 > $6 sug

Poems staged around an overhead projector / the midwest and 9/11 / a fake
fire / gas stations / stenciled sets and affects / the stars and sexuality /
a video of the twin Budweiser towers / a new Arabic love poetry / monologues
~ installation ~ recital ~ provocative language/ and more from BFE USA

Born in Egypt, raised in Oklahoma and Ohio, living and working in Queens and
the Bronx, and by way of the Nuyorican Poets Café, Bowery Poetry Club,
Cornelia Street, and Galapagos Art Space, Habib Albi is ? Not a Man.

Added by mohebsoliman on March 2, 2006