Come Experience the Honor Academy!
April 3-5, 2009Garden Valley, Texas
HA Preview Weekends are designed to give prospective interns a unique glimpse into the daily life of the Honor Academy internship. This is not your typical college visit weekend: you won't be sitting throughsession after session ofboring logistics and program outlines.You'll actually get the unique opportunity tolivelike intern for theentireweekend! Ask questions. Bring your parents. This is your opportunity to learn if the Honor Academy is right for you!
While attending the Preview Weekend you'll have the opportunity to:
Stay on campus in a real dorm room with real interns.
Be plugged into a core mentorship group.
Participate in a Life Transforming Event.
Get up early for corporate exercise.
Attend an Honor Academy class.
Experience powerful worship and challengingsessions.
Meet and interact with staff membersand current interns.
Learn more about the admissions process.
Ask lots of questions!
Your $25 registration fee covers your meals (5 total) for you and your guests (parents or youth pastors). Accommodations are only provided for paying participants (ages 16-25). At this time we are not able to provide housing for parents or guests, but a list of nearby accomodations and other helpful informationcan berequested by calling800-863-6306.
Space is limited so register now to reserve your spot!
Organized by Teen Mania's Honor AcademyCall: 800-863-6306 for more information!
Ticket Info: Participant, $25.99
Official Website: http://haaprilpreview-upcoming.eventbrite.com