810 Haiku Road, Ste 265, Haiku Marketplace
Haiku, Hawaii 96708

With Rosemary Zasu

June 26, July 24, August 28
10:30am - 1:30pm
$39 each, or $99 for all three

The Purpose of the “Ha” Breath Ohana is to create an on-going community of breathers committed to clearing their own family of origin limiting core programs and patterns in a deep, profound, easy and graceful way at all levels. This way, each individual and the group as a whole experiences optimal practical life aliveness, health and well being, thus contributing to the planetary collective in these transitioning times on planet Earth.
Our monthly Saturday morning community will have a topic each month including Conception, Birth, Sibling Relations (some of the core competitive greed core patterns influencing the grab for resources now on this planet), Your Most Negative Belief about Yourself, Money, Work/Service, Pleasure/Celebrations, Conflict, Relationship with God/Spirit/Whatever, Food/Nurturance, Death and more.
You do not have to attend all gatherings but it is recommended for maximum value. Pre-register and bring pencil and paper. Comfy blanket and pillow are available or you may bring your own for lying down.
For more info please visit http://www.thestudiomaui.com or call (808) 575-9390.

Official Website: http://www.thestudiomaui.com

Added by Studio Maui on June 7, 2010

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