23-29 Emerald St
London, England WC1N 3QS

Aimed at students, artists, and designers or anyone who wants to learn the basics of Arduino, simple electronics and building interactive projects , this 2 day intimate workshop is lead by Nick Weldin and with Brock Craft.



10:30: Introduction to the workshop and round table introductions
10:10 – 13:00: Introduction to physical computing, interaction design and the history of Arduino
13:00: Lunch
13:00-1800: Getting started with Arduino
18:00- Drinks at nearby pub


10:00: Round table presentations of project proposals
11:00 Build your project!
13:00 Lunch
13:00-16:00 More building
17:00 – 18:00 Presentation and Documentation

How much?

Tickets are £95 for professionals, £75 for students (“student” is the promo code)
Only 10 spaces open for this workshop.-

Registration is opened till the 20th of May 2008.

If you have any questions, please contact Alexandra at alex@tinker.it.

Official Website: http://tinkerit.eventwax.com/h3-beginners-arduino-workshop-6

Added by petef on May 6, 2008

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