1834 Ocean Street
Santa Cruz, California 95060

“If the whole earth were my paper, all the trees my pen, and the seven seas my ink, they would not suffice to write the glory of my Guru.”
- Sant Kabir

“God and Guru are one. He who has earned the Grace of the Guru shall undoubtedly be saved and never forsaken. But the disciple for his part, should follow the path shown by the Guru.” - Sri Ramana Maharshi

6:30PM - 9:00PM

Prasad (dinner) will be served at 6:30PM followed by meditation, readings, recitations, and devotional chanting in praise of Sadguru Sri Ramana Maharshi.

All are welcome to join!

Om Gurave Namaha!

Official Website: http://www.satramana.org/html/guru_purnima.htm

Added by satramana4694 on June 23, 2009

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