He watches wrestling while making beats. He sings in the shower. He raps on the can. He does computer stuff while eating veggie burgers. He plays with his G.I. Joes during down time. He has lots of down time. He rides his bike while listening to his walkman (oooohh!). His feet keep the rhythm while his lips and tongue try to trip him up. He is clumsy. He used to not be afraid of heights and now he is. Hes multi talented. Hes no good for nothing. He is self deprecating. He has hip hops biggest nostrils, next to Pete Rock, maybe! He cant grow facial hair that doesnt make his face look dirty. He raps hard. He reps hard. He is an over achiever with an under achieving attitude. Hes shy. He looks forward to kicking the shit out of his next show -foultone.com-
Event submitted by Eventful on behalf of Humboldt.
Added by Humboldt on February 25, 2006