The gum-over-platinum process is an alternative process that allows the photographer/printer to choose how their final image will look with the subtle addition of several colored layers. By adding one or more layers tinted with watercolor pigment – which alters the color composition of each layer as it is applied – very complex and rich split-toned effects and be achieved in the final product.
In this workshop, students will work through the theory and mechanics of the gum-over-platinum process while also learning the attributes of an ideal base print.
Topics covered in this weekend workshop include: optimal papers, sizing, preparation for layers of gum, proper coating techniques, and how all of the variables work together proportionally to give you the ability to control exactly where the color will be seen in your image. Students will also learn how to register the negative for subsequent exposures and how to develop the exposed print.
Official Website:
Added by projectbasho on July 25, 2011