Guitar Orchestra of Barcelona is composed of twenty-five of Spain’s most gifted guitarists, led by Director and Founder Sergi Vincente. The material that the orchestra performs is the fruit of a constant labor of investigation and adaptation. The result is a varied and novel repertoire, made up of works by extravagant composers and contemporary authors, with a strong emphasis on Spanish music. Program for the Marin Center performance includes songs such as Danzas Cervantinas, Sonata en D Major, Danzas Cubanas, and De “El Amor Brujo.”
Formed in 1989, the ensemble started with eight of Sergi’s students with the intention of enriching their academic studies. As time went on, the ensemble became a much more ambitious project and developed into the twenty-five chair Guitar Orchestra it is today. So far, more than seventy guitarists have passed through the orchestra’s ranks, many of them going on to impressive careers as soloists.
Despite touring festivals and performing throughout Spain and Europe, there remains a close connection between the orchestra and the place of its inception, the Conservatorio Superior de Mùsica del Liceo de Barcelona. All members of the orchestra are teachers, graduates or master level students of the Conservatorio. This prestigious musical institution also serves as a regular headquarters for the orchestra as its members rehearse and work there on a weekly basis. In 2001, the orchestra recorded its first CD, Orquestra de Guitarres de Barcelona, which received enthusiastic praise from both the public and the press.
Public information: Tickets are $40, $35, $25; students 18 and under $20; Premium Seats $65 and can be ordered through Marin Center Box Office at 415-499-6800 or online at
Media Contact: Hamilton Ink PR- 415- 381-3484-
Added by cmargaritafranco on November 5, 2009