Entrada Rd.
Brentwood, California 94513

This program takes you on a two hour, easy nature walk in Topanga State Park with a docent who knows the trails and the plants and animals. Several trails are available - the Nature Trail, the Musch Trail, the Parker Mesa Overlook Trail, the Dead Horse Trail. Each has different features. These walks are scheduled every Sunday between January 1 and June 30 at 1:00 pm. Meet your docent at the bulletin board in the corner of the parking lot. Of course, if it rains or the park is closed because of fire danger we'll all stay home. The walks are free, but the State charges $10 for parking. You may need to pay for parking at the unmanned honor station, so bring exact change. Bring your family and friends, wear long pants and sensible shoes. There are restrooms with running water next to the parking lot, and picnic tables, so you can come early and bring lunch.

Added by Upcoming Robot on January 6, 2011