Guest House is a collaborative exercise in experimental portraiture and existential absurdity. Although the work of Jason Murphy and J. R. Schulz might initially seem disparate, their depictions of sentient beings and soft intelligence share a common goal: to reveal beauty in the plight of the disenchanted.
J. R. Schulz Bio:
Originally from Rome, Georgia, J. R. Schulz graduated with a BFA from the University of Georgia in 1998. Since then, he has worked primarily as a broadcast graphic designer and currently specializes in motion graphics and interactive design at CNN. He started exhibiting as a painter in 2003 and has participated in numerous art shows in Atlanta. He enjoys experimenting with materials and is distinguished by his constantly evolving style and conceptual interests.
Jason Murphy Bio:
Jason Murphy was born in the year 1977 and grew up in Jackson, Mississippi. He graduated from Ringling College of Art in the year 1999. He currently lives and works in Atlanta, GA. His work has been featured in Bill Lowe Gallery Thrasher Magazine.
Official Website:
Added by Beep Beep Gallery on August 4, 2010