6611 University Ave
San Diego, California 92115

The Dance Conservatory
School of LaDiego Dance Theater

Guess Who Stole the Nutcracker?
An Old Classic with a New Twist

Created & Directed by
Daniel Marshall

Production Director
Aliyah Hassan

Studio Director & Costumes
Tracy Van Balan

LaDiego Dance Theater

FRI 7:30 PM DEC 3rd 2010
SAT 1:30 PM DEC 4th 2010
$12 Child $15 Adults
At The Door $15 Child $20 Adults
By Phone (619) 444-3836
Tickets On Sale Now!!

The Joan B. Kroc Theater
6611 University Avenue | San Diego, CA 92115

“Guess Who? …Stole the Nutcracker”
Each year that Claire grew she distances herself from the Nutcracker. This also distanced her from the Nutcracker Prince who diligently awaiting her arrival each year. After 4 years the Prince began to become cold and withdrawn from the land of sweets. He was often referred to as the grouch. Even his physical features started to dissolve and transform him into the Grouch.
The sugar plum fairy grew wearing trying to keep the Grouch from turning the land of sweets into the land of sour. The sugarplum Fairy heard from Mr. Blizz and Queen Ice that Claire had been neglecting her Nutcracker doll for years.
The sugarplum at this point knew she had to do whatever it took in order to save her land. The Grouch with his bitter soul also knew having the nutcracker doll would give him complete power over the land. The nutcracker is the one thing that stands between the sweetness and bitterness in the land. The Sugar Plum Fairy had grown weary and weak falling into an endless slumber but with her last conscious breath she called out to Claire to help restore her kingdom.

Added by dancnboi on November 18, 2010

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