Seattle, Washington

GQBS: QUEER EVERYWHERE YOU WANT TO BE! In a city far, far away (depends if you're taking the Lear or driving the Mini or using your Pradas), in a time long, long ago (well, not that long, but queer time is always fashionably late), an idea emerged: if the Mountain will not come to the Mo, then bring the Mo to the Mount. Maybe it was more like: you can lead a Queer to a straight bar, but you can't make them drink. Or something like that. Guerrilla Queer Bar began as an idea to take a gaggle of queer men and women, their queer-friendly friends, and invade a traditionally non-queer bar or club for a once-a-month night of fun, frivolity, visibility, mix and mingling, and otherwise saying, “We're here, we're queer, and we want a orange-pomogranate cosmo, sweetie!” Guerrilla Queer Bar Seattle (GQBS) proudly joins a long coalition of like-minded, spirited (in more ways than one) people that have brought the “takeover” to cities across the country. Join us, join them, join together. Ching-ching, kiddies! GQBSeattle is ready to rock and roll with a twist. Don't clone, provocate!

For more information about GQBSeattle, visit our message group at or become our Friendster at! GQBSeattle plans "takeovers" on every third Friday of the month all over Seattle. Mission details are released the week of the takeover. The next GQBSeattle is scheduled for Friday, September 15!

Official Website:

Added by gqbseattle on September 2, 2006

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