2465 34th Ave.
Oakland, California 94619

See and hear eyewitness accounts about what it's like to grow up in East Oakland. These are short personal films created by Fruitvale youth over the course of the year and the summer in Peralta Hacienda Historical Park's Project SOS. The films will show how middle and high school youth are experiencing the complexities of growing up in Oakland, at home and on the street. Stay for a facilitated community discussion about how the community can help local youth in their struggle towards maturity, with the young artists and an all-star panel.

In addition to making films, youth have been learning public speaking and practicing to give tours of the 1870 Antonio Peralta House, one of Oakland's cultural treasures, so that while you're at the film festival, you can also take a youth-led tour of the wonderful, new, multi-sensory Peralta House exhibits-touchable and audible; fragrant and tasty-and experience the story of the Native and Spanish-speaking people of the old Peralta rancho, on the land where we all live now, as well as amazing first person stories of the community today!

Location: 2465 34th Ave, above Foothill, one block off Coolidge, in Oakland. Take Fruitvale Exits off 580 or 80. For information contact Friends of Peralta Hacienda Historical Park: 510-532-9142 or email destiny@peraltahacienda.org

The youth programs have been carried out with the generous support of the National Endowment for the Arts, the California Council for the Humanities, the Thomas J. Long Foundation and the California Arts Council, as well as the City of Oakland Cultural Funding Program. website: www.peraltahacienda.org

Youth Films Shown at 2 pm, 3 pm. Youth-led House Tours are at 2:30, 3:00, 3:30, 4:00. Community Discussion follows, from 4- 5 pm

Youth film showings are free. Suggested donation for youth-led historic house tours is just $3, all proceeds to benefit the youth programs. (No shoes in the Peralta House: Wear socks.) Free refreshments.

Free/$3 rsvp tours: 532-9142.

Official Website: http://www.peraltahacienda.org

Added by FullCalendar on July 23, 2009

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