Do you want to talk to your daughter about her changing body but don't know how to get started? Or does your daughter stare at her shoes when you bring up the topic? Join other girls and women to tackle the subject together at this uplifting workshop. This workshop explores the normal changes that occur in 9-16 year old girls, gives girls tools and tips, and connects girls and adult women together in a powerful and positive way. The session is crafted to build self-esteem, positive body image, and a healthy sense of "being a girl." A warm and comfortable environment for questions, exploration, and learning, this experience sets the stage for future conversations and positive growth as your daughter transitions to adulthood.
Led by RN specialist, Amy Sluss; she has 15 years of experience leading intergenerational events (that bring parents and children together for learning, conversation, and fun). Yes, even workshops about puberty can be fun and engaging.
Official Website:
Added by FullCalendar on October 22, 2009