1009 G Street
San Diego, California 92101

Enroll Today in Growing the Empowered Child Conference!
Please join us for a spectacular day of discovery, learning and fun!

Ask yourself the question: When did the child within you stop growing?

This program is designed to equip you with tools to help you become a catalyst for world peace through teaching children and yourself how to live and thrive without fear and anger and how to be aware of and celebrate your own uniqueness and the uniqueness of others.

You will receive training and knowledge to master the necessary tools to help you empower yourself and the children in your life. Ishmael and Susie are internationally renowned speakers and highly respected instructors in their fields of individual, child and family development. They have unique, proven and successful approaches to enlightened parenting and passionate living to share with you on this special day.

This conference is not to be missed!

Speakers Include:

Brother Ishmael Tetteh: Conscious Humanity
Founder/International Speaker/Author

About Brother Ishmael:

Brother Ishmael Tetteh is a Spiritual Master, whose international presence and message of World Peace over the past 30 years has empowered thousands of lives from Africa, to Germany, to the UK, and the United States. He is an internationally renowned speaker, whose charismatic presence has graced podiums around the world. His teachings come from the very heart of Mother Nature and are a modern reflection of the ancient, sacred teachings of the healers and mystics of Africa. He is the Founder and Director of the Etherean Mission and Hospital in Ghana and Conscious Humanity in the United States. From the New Thought Alliance in South Africa, the Assoc. for Global New Thought in Palm Springs, to many U.S. organizations throughout the East and West Coast, many lives have been changed by his presence and teachings.

Brother Ishmael has published twenty books including "Growing the Empowered Child." In addition to a Special Congressional Award for outstanding and invaluable service throughout the international community, he has been awarded Mayoral Proclamations from the cities of Santa Monica and San Francisco, who have declared April 25th and March 17th as “Brother Ishmael Tetteh Day.” Those who know Brother Ishmael enjoy the magnificence of his spirit and warm, loving presence. His truths are filled with universal wisdom and healing, which move people deeply and bring about profound transformations.

Susie Walton: Indigo Village
Family Coach, Author and Owner of Indigo Village

About Susie Walton:

Susie Walton is a recipient of the San Diego Parent Educator of the Year Award; Susie Walton is a leading expert in the field of communication and relationships with an emphasis on family dynamics. Susie has teamed with various companies and organizations such as Qualcomm, Sharp Hospital, and Children’s Hospital to develop and implement practical and positive change for youth and families.

Susie is a pioneer in parent education and has been leading seminars, hands-on workshops and full length parenting classes, instructor trainings, teacher in-services and one on one coaching for 18 years. In the early 90s Susie acted on her heartfelt belief that true positive change begins in the home and created an organization to help reduce stress and frustration in the areas of family relationships and raising children. Susie collaborated with the International Network for Children and Families (INCAF) and founded Team RCB of San Diego. Susie certifies instructors from around the globe to teach the 15 hour parenting program Redirecting Children’s Behavior (RCB) and the Redirecting for a Cooperative Classroom (RCC) classroom teacher training.

For more information on Susie please visit her website. http://www.indigovillage.com


When: Saturday May 16, 2009
Time: 9:00 am – 5:00 pm – Registration begins at 8:00 am
Where: San Diego Center for Spiritual Living
1009 G Street (Entrance on 10th Ave.)
San Diego, CA 92101

Price: $39.00 single ticket or
$69 per couple
$30.00 Teachers
$25.00 Groups of 5 or More

TO REGISTER by phone or ask any questions: Please call Stacy Steel at 760 846- 2766

Official Website: http://www.consciousteachings.com/pages/Growing-the-Empowered-Child%E2%84%A2-Conference.html

Added by cookcorec on May 12, 2009

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