5201 Corey Rd
Sylvania, Ohio 43560

The snow is melting, the birds are chirping and the smell of spring is in the air. Are you ready for "Growing Green"? Women's Connection West of Sylvania invites you to brunch at Sylvania Country Club, 5201 Corey Rd. in Sylvania, on Friday, April 9, 9:15 AM-11:15 AM. Cost is $14.00 per person, and includes lunch. A complimentary nursery is available by reservation.

It's time to get a jump on what's growing in our nursery's and cultivate some friendships as we hear from Mary & Kevin Machon of Bensell's Greenhouse on Dorr St. in Toledo. Following, "The Optimistic Pessimist," Teri Sevinsky of Strongsville, Ohio will inspire us.

Reservations are necessary for all our programs and childcare. Please call Jeannine at 419-841-9653. Reservations are appreciated by April 5.

Added by JPereus on March 10, 2010

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