Grow Your Business with Email Marketing
Come network and learn at this FREE event.
Build the relationships that are the key to your business success with easy, inexpensive, and highly effective email marketing! Learn how to increase your email deliverability and open rates; write good content; and-perhaps most importantly-get and keep high quality prospects, customers and members.
You will learn how to:
*Become a trusted email sender in the eyes of your prospects, customers, and members.
*Build your list! How to find and keep email list subscribers.
*Get your sent emails opened and read.
*Turn your readers into more frequent buyers/supporters/donors.
*Focus your communications -- get the right message to the right people at the right time.
*Use email communications to improve customer/member loyalty.
Join us for Networking, Raffle Prizes, and Learning.
Bring your own lunch; light refreshments will be provided.
Note: Attendees will receive an email copy of the PowerPoint presentation.
Official Website:
Added by FullCalendar on November 9, 2012