Grasp the secrets of shares investment applied by former Wall Street legendary figure Mr Hu Li Yang
Grow to be among the TOP 5% of people who could make money in the stock market
Learn how to be more money savvy & manage your own wealth now
To gather more info, attend preview session every Wednesday 7pm & Saturday 2pm. Book your seats now by SMS 9875 5178 and tell us your name & the session you want to attend. LIMITED SEATS AVAILABLE. FREE for the first 20.
If you wish to learn and acquire the various investment methods and skills, do not miss this golden opportunity to learn from the only Chinese to have attained the highest position in Wall Street and is Asia’s leading Stock Investment Guru – Mr Hu Li Yang ! Come and meet him in person on 28 August 2010, Saturday 8.00am - 5.30pm! Sign up now to enjoy early bird special !
It’s my pleasure to welcome you to our Investment Summit 2010. Should you require any further information or clarifications, please do not hesitate to call Venetia at 6224 5390 or 9875 5178
成为那5% 的人数能在股票市场赚钱
详情资料请参加我们的说明会。每逢周三7.00点和周六2.00点与您分享,请早点预定您的免费席位吧!SMS 9875 5178 告诉我们您的名字和想参加的说明会日期就行了。
如果您想获得不同投资方法和技巧,不要错过这个黄金机会与这位美国华尔街的传奇人物, “亚洲股神”胡立阳老师学习。他将在8月28日从8.00am到5.30pm来到新加坡与您见面!现在报名能享有特别折扣。
希望您能参加“股市峰会”2010。如有疑问或想了解详情请即刻拨电62245390 或者98755178
Added by ohmygosh on June 25, 2010