25 Lowell St
Cambridge, Massachusetts

Our classes introduce a solid foundation of keyboard skills, including note-reading, ear-training, ensemble playing, efficient practicing and healthy and natural hand and body positioning for a lifetime of piano enjoyment. Children learn in a small group setting; this class is designed for students with no previous experience.

Dates: July 11 - July 21, 2011; 8 classes
Times: 1:00-1:45pm or 2:00-2:45pm; daily Monday - Thursday
Ages: 4-6
Fee: $200
To Register: Call the NSM office at 617-492-8105 or email info@cambridgemusic.org

Official Website: http://www.newschoolofmusic.org/programsclasses/vacationprograms.html

Added by NSM on March 27, 2011

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