Learn three proven processes for activating group participation. Gain hands-on experience practicing methods and explore ways to apply them to your specific situation.
The Focused Conversation Method
Learn a structured process that helps you plan and facilitate a meaningful exchange of ideas. Discover ways to involve every member in thinking through difficult issues. This process heightens your effectiveness in facilitating virtually every form of group communication.
*Conduct purposeful, productive meetings and discussions
*Quickly capture a group's best thinking
*Surface new ideas and solutions
*Ask questions that stimulate candid feedback and discussion
The Consensus Workshop Method
Energize problem-solving with a process that builds active participation and teamwork. Productively channel diverse ideas into consensus decisions everyone can own and support. Learn tools to facilitate groups to new levels of creativity and cooperation
*Tap rational and intuitive thought processes
*Integrate diverse ideas
*Generate practical and creative solutions
*Develop group consensus
The Action Planning Method
Master this powerful implementation planning process which enables you to help a group rapidly pull together an effective plan, organize needed resources and mobilize individuals' energy into action.
*Visualize a successful result
*Analyze the current reality
*Create a practical plan
*Maximize group commitment and involvement
Who Should Take This Course?
People who are actively involved in the leadership and facilitation of groups and teams including: Supervisors, executive directors, managers, professional facilitators, private consultants, training managers, educators, health practitioners, community specialists, concerned citizens and team members in high participation environments who need increased exposure to group participation methods to be effective.
$645.00 (Includes workbook).
Official Website: http://www.northstarfacilitators.com
Added by FullCalendar on September 22, 2008