On February 2, legend has it that the venerable groundhog, Marmota monax, rouses himself from his long winter’s sleep and ventures from his hibernaculum into the light of day. If he sees his shadow then there will be six more weeks of winter. If not, spring is nigh. Truth or fiction? Well, the woolly bears all believe it.
Join the Museum’s Wildlife staff and volunteers in an afternoon celebration of everything woodchuck. This festival, on the eve’s eve of Groundhog’s Day, will feature live animals, crafts, and demonstrations all relating to the natural and unnatural history of everyone’s favorite rodent. There will even be an appearance of the famous prognosticating whistlepig, Lake Erie Eddie!
So rouse yourself from wintertime lethargy and make your way down to your favorite museum for our Groundhog Sun-day!
Added by cmnhmarketing2664 on December 8, 2009