12950 West State Road 84,
Davie, Florida 33325

NOTICE: We are taking the recession into consideration for ticket prices.
WHY? Because we understand many are financially strapped in this current economic crisis in America. Our goal is to bless sisters while making sure we do so with quality and excellence. That takes money thus we are going by an honor system here. If you can give, please do as even at the $25 ticket donation, this conference is heavily subsized by our lead sponsor. If you can't give just make a donation that is lower than the $25 fee. It's Your Choice but remember God knows your real situation :-)

If you cannot even afford a $1 donation, please email drlizrios@gmail.com for a free registration.
If you can gather a sister group of five (5) each of them come for $15 and YOU come for free! So gather a group, collect the fees and register ASAP! We'll contact you for your list of names. The Team Leader should be the one who registers on this site.
If you live near Save The Nations or attend Save The Nations, registration for cash payments will begin Sunday, March 8 and end Wednesday, March 18.

Want to know more about CEFL? Join our online social networking site at www.ceflonline.com

About the Event:
Come to the 2ndSisterhood Weekend in Florida where women gather to Renew, Rewind, Restore, Rebound through anointed worship, preaching, and fellowship! Bring a sistah-friend orfamily member as we celebrate Women's History Month and sistahs everywhere!
Lead Sponsor of This Event- Latino Pastoral Action Center of NYC.
This year's event will be held at Dr. Liz Rios' Florida home church, Save The Nations in Davie, Florida located at 12950 West State Rd 84Davie, Fl. 33325on the South side of the street 1/2 mile East of 136th Ave, at 130thave and State Rd. 84 convenientlyseenon the South side of 595.

Guest Speaker: Dr. Shirley Arnold
Read more about her here http://www.shirleyarnoldministries.org

There will be NO CHILDCARE provided. Please do make arrangements for your children. We apologize for this inconvenience unfortunately space is limited in our facility.

Driving directions from the South Take I-75 to 595 East. Go to Flamingo Rd exit and make a U-turnso you areheading east on State Rd 84. Save the Nations is 1/2 mile on the right (S) side of the streetAT 130th AVE12950 W. State Rd. 84 Davie, Fl. 33325 Driving directions from the North or East Take 595 West to 136th Ave exit. Make a U-Turn at 136th ave and continue on State Rd 84 for 1/2 mile Save the Nations will be on the right side of the street at 130th ave12950 W. State Rd. 84 Davie, Fl. 33325
For out-of-town guests our group registration expired 2/27/09. These are the hotels in the area:

La Quinta Inn & Suites Fort Lauderdale/Plantation You must call 800-642-4239
Amenities include: complimentary breakfast cereals, fresh fruit, pastries, bagels, juices, milk and coffee; 25" - 27" TV with premium channels, movies on demand and video games; in-room hair dryer, coffee maker, iron and ironing board; laundry facility, swimming pool.

Renassiance Fort Lauderdale (right across roadway of event site) 954-472-2252
Regular rate is $239.95 a nightfor this 4 diamond property.

Weekend Tentative Schedule 2009
Sisters in Our Journey

Scripture Verse for Weekend:
"Two people are
better off than one, for they can help each other succeed. If one person falls,
the other can reach out and help. But someone who falls alone is in real
trouble. Ecclesiastes 4:9-10 (NLT)

Friday, March 20,

6:00 pm At-Door
Registration Opens
7:00 pm Call
to Worship/Opening Prayer
7:15 pm Sistahs
in Worship
7:45 pm Welcome- Dr. Liz Rios, CEFL Founder/STN
Executive Pastor
Rivera, Lead Sponsor, Latino Pastoral Action Center
Lisa Albin, STN Founding Pastor & Weekend Host
Shirley Arnold
Blessing TBA

Saturday, March 21,

8:00 am At-Door
Registration Opens
9:00 am Call
to Worship/Opening Prayer
9:05 am Sistahs
in Worship
9:45 am General
Session I: Dr. Shirley Arnold
10:45 am Break
11:00 am Sister
Session I
12:30 pm Lunch
on Own
1:30 pm Door
1:50 pm General
Session II: Dr. Shirley Arnold
2:50 pm Ministering
3:15 pm Sister
Session II
4:15 pm Sister
Sharing Their Journeys
5:00 pm Closing

Sunday, March 23,

11:00 am Call
to Worship/Opening Prayer
11:10 am Sistahs
in Worship
11:40 pm Pastoral
11:50 pm Sistahs
In Motion Dance Performance
& Sisterhood Comments
Shirley Arnold

Organized by Center for Emerging Female Leadership
CEFLs mission is to provide social, spiritual and learning opportunities for women to realize the fullest measure of their gifts in all areas of human endeavors. Our vision is to see every woman and young girl find her destiny and fulfill the God-given call over her life whether in church or society. We strive to achieve our vision by working to discover, develop, give voice and visibility to emerging female leaders.

Ticket Info:  
  • I Believe In CEFL!, $25.99
  • Group Registration, $76.88
  • Your Choice Registration, Free

Official Website: http://sisterhoodweekend-upcoming.eventbrite.com

Added by eventbrite-events on March 17, 2009

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