Grief and Loss ManagementJan'e Peterson is an ordained chaplain and certified victim chaplain, and Hospice bereavement coordinator and
Grief specialist.
Those suffering with grief (or serving the grieving) will benefit
from this workshop, which acknowledges the pain and guides you in
finding a breakthrough to living life more victoriously. It will offer
vital support in coping with the effects of grief, and will help you
identify where you are in the grief process.
You will be encouraged and
equipped to use the proper tools to solve your own emotional hurt. Day: Saturdays
Spring Semester:April 25th
Fall Semester:October 10th
Time: 9am-noon
Suggested Offering:$15 or Love Offering
Organized by The Inner Healing InstituteThe Inner Healing Institute, is the education department of Serenity Retreat for Healing and Spiritual Renewal -www.InnerHealingInstitute.org
Ticket Info: Register Now, $15.00
Official Website: http://griefmanagement-upcoming.eventbrite.com