10004 Jasper Avenue
Edmonton, AB, Alberta T5J 1R3

Grey Cup Party

The Treasury Vodka Bar & Eatery
Sunday November 28, 2010

If you are not going to go to the game or want too.
This is the place to be.

We will be drawing Grey Cup tickets for the people at The Treasury.

The LTR stops right at The Treasury and we are also showing the game.
After the game we are having an after party you will not want to miss!

Tickets and tables are limited so book your spot now.
We'll be having are regular menu plus a special game day menu.

Tickets include a Sausage on a bun with all the fixing and a beer for $10 not to mention the change to go to the Grey Cup with your own limo ride for you and your friend!

For Bookings, Tickets, Reservations or enquiries please call 780-990-1255 or email bookings@thetreasury.ca


"TreasuryFri" to 393939 for No line No cover on Fiday or
"TreasurySat" for No line no Cover on Sat.
"Treasury" to enter to win a $3,000 NYE Party Package

Added by thetreasuryvodkabar on November 15, 2010