19 University Place Room 102
New York, New York 10003

Grey Art Gallery, NYU, 100 Washington Square East

(saved in multiple calendars)

greygallery@nyu.edu - Lucy Oakley

During the decade preceding the fall of the Berlin Wall, East German artists' posters, known as "Künstlerplakate," served as a dynamic means of individual expression. Functioning both as advertisements for cultural events and works of art in their own right, these posters were produced in small editions. By keeping total production under 100 copies each, painters, sculptors, and graphic artists were able, for the most part, to bypass strict German Democratic Republic censorship boards. "Künstlerplakate: Artists' Posters from East Germany, 1967-1990" features 127 works from all over the former GDR, thus revealing the evolution of this artistic form, from early examples in the 1960s to the rich and varied highpoint of the late 1980s.

Exhibition on view: September 7-December 4, 2010

For more information, please contact:
Grey Art Gallery, NYU, 100 Washington Square East
Website: http://www.nyu.edu/greyart
Email: greygallery@nyu.edu
Tel: 212/998-6780

Gallery Hours:
Tuesday/Thursday/Friday: 11 am-6 pm
OPEN LATE Wednesday: 11 am-8 pm
Saturday: 11 am-5 pm
Closed Sunday/Monday/Major holidays

Suggested admission: $3.00, FREE with NYU ID

The gallery is accessible to people with disabilities--for best access, please call 212/998-6780 before visiting.

Official Website: http://events.nyu.edu/index.cgi?cmd=showevent&ncmd=listmonth&cal=cal52,cal12&id=251439&ncals=&de=1&tf=0&sib=1&sb=0&sa=1&ws=1&stz=Default&sort=e,m,t&cat=&swe=1&cf=list&set=1&m=12&d=1&a

Added by Upcoming Robot on May 14, 2011