Gregor and the Squonk is a modern fairy-tale, a twisted, yet touching examination of how far people are willing to go for the sake of beauty.
Set in a Pennsylvania forest during the dead of winter, Gregor and the Squonk centers around Gregor Courtepy, a hunter deeply devoted to his vain wife, Margaret. After a countless number of plastic surgeries leaves her broken and self-loathing, Gregor enlists the help of their doctor to find a creature rumored to grant eternal beauty to whoever captures it. Absurd, fantastical, and often haunting, Gregor and the Squonk is the perfect fable for a society built on botox, rhinoplasty, and silicone.
Oct 3rd 2008 - Nov 1st 2008
Thursday, Friday and Saturday, 8:00PM
Order Tickets Now!
@The Bailiwick Arts Center - Loft
1229 W. Belmont, Chicago, IL [map]
Official Website:
Added by sm04e on September 22, 2008