Brighton and Hove's public green forum has returned, all very welcome.
- Martin Large, Chair of the Community Land Trust National Demonstration Project at Salford University, and a pioneer of the land for people movement
- Neil Ravenscroft, Professor of Cultural Policy at the University of Brighton, and Director of Tablehurst Farm Ltd
- Chair, Ian Lawton, community activist
As Peak Oil pushes up food prices, concern for food security and food poverty rises.
This month we ask:
How can we regain community ownership over decisions affecting our land?
How can we create permanently affordable homes or increase local food sourcing?
How does land pricing act as a barrier and how do we overcome that?
What is the future for Brighton and Hove Council's 11,000 acres of farm estate?
What can we learn from initiatives such as Community-Supported Agriculture and Community Land Trusts?
Who decides and what do you think?
Relaxed, sociable, informative, fun. Bar will be open before, during and after the event - apologies, food will not be available. for further info / mailing list or 07891 571739
Official Website:
Added by JaneDallaway on May 30, 2008