We have 258 RSVPs as of Tuesday at 3:00 pm. Register soon, as we will need to cut off registration at 300.
Come meet other real estate investors, professionals, and service providers involved in New York City Real Estate at one of the City's hottest spots: 230 Fifth.
These gatherings are comprised of a vibrant cross-section of the industry, including investors, developers, brokers, attorneys, lenders, architects, and other service providers, principals, and professionals. Our Manhattan industry mixers usually draw about 300 high-quality attendees looking to close deals and develop referral business. See our photos from our last Manhattan event:
Location: 230 Fifth, 230 5th Avenue, Manhattan
| Map and ParkingDate/Time: Thursday, March 19, 2009, 6:30 - 9:30
pmCost: Free with a GreenPearl Events Pass*; $20 otherwise
Includes: complimentary food and great networking
View upcoming and past events:
We are extremely thankful to Kennedy Funding for sponsoring this event!
Kennedy Funding is a pioneer in the category of "situational
lending," providing loans of $1 million to $100 million or more with
commitments in as little as 24 hours and closings in as quickly as five
days. As the leader in direct private lending, Kennedy has extensive
experience in funding in a wide range of business sectors. Unlike the
methods used by many traditional lenders, Kennedy sees each borrower as
unique, evaluating each situation individually.
Specializing in commercial real estate bridge loans for domestic
and global clients, Kennedy provides up to 65% loan-to-value for land
acquisition, development, refinancing, construction, bank workouts,
bankruptcies and foreclosures. Across the nation and around the world,
Kennedy has produced funding for conventional and unconventional
projects, often succeeding when other financial institutions cannot.
Contact Stephen Bienko now at
Stephen@KennedyFunding.com or (201) 342-8500 to discuss your funding needs.
Organized by GreenPearl.comGreenPearl.com, formerly known as MyDealBook, is the countrys largest
online directory and community of people and organizations in the
commercial real estate industry, with more than 450,000 industry
players listed, including investors, developers, lenders, brokers,
principals, attorneys, property owners, architects, and over 30 other
real estate related professions. In addition, GreenPearl.com provides a
marketplace to discover and list properties, investment opportunities,
service offerings, events, and jobs. Headquartered in New York City,
GreenPearl.com has members in nearly every city in the U.S. and is
expanding to include cities across the globe.
Ticket Info: - Manhattan event registration, $20.00
- Special registration for Events Pass Holders (must have purchased Events Pass), Free
- RSVP only - I'll pay at the door ($20), Free
- GreenPearl Events Pass, $101.48
Official Website: http://gp031909-upcoming.eventbrite.com