Seattle Parks and Recreation and the Green Lake
Community Center Advisory Council once again
present the Pathway of Lights, the ring of luminaria
that light Green Lake for one magical evening each
This year's event will take place from 5:30 to 8:30
pm on Saturday, December 13, rain or shine.
Mark the holidays by joining friends and neighbors
in a walk along the path, and take in the warm glow of
the luminaria that create the look of a beautiful
necklace around the lake. Enjoy holiday music by local
singers and groups at the Green Lake Community
Center, the Green Lake Small Craft Center, the Aqua
Theater, and the Bathhouse Theater (Seattle Public
Please bring two cans of food for donation to
Northwest Harvest, and drop them off at the
performance tents. performance tents.
Parks is seeking volunteers to help place and light
the thousands of luminaria and to clean up after the
event. Individuals, businesses, community groups, and
school groups are welcome to participate. Setup takes
place from3to5p.m., and the lighting of the candles
takes place at5p.m.
Parks is also seeking choirs and musicians who
play quiet instruments to provide music along the
pathway during the event, and choirs for the
performance tents.
And finally, Parks needs helpers to clean up after
the event, from8:30to9:30p.m.
For more information and to volunteer, please call
Barb Drake at 206-684-0780, or e-mail her at
Added by steveapel on November 11, 2008