In the fifth installment of his transformative lecture series, Emanuel Kuntzelman reveals the road to personal transformation through the wisdom of some of the most enlightened thinkers of the 20th century. Join Emanuel as he takes us on a theatrical search for truth under the guidance of George Gurdjieff, Peter Ouspensky, John Bennett, Pak Subuh, and their contemporaries.
Before and after the talk, experience Greenheart’s Transformative Fair of Spiritual Resources in Chicago. Meet some our city’s most diverse and spiritual organizations. Try some energy work with a free Qi Gong lesson, visit all the tables and become inspired.
5:45 – 6: 30 PM Complimentary Qi Gong lesson
6:30 – 7 PM Greenheart’s Transformative Fair of Spiritual Resources in Chicago
7 – 8:15 PM Meetings with Remarkable Masters a Talk by Emanuel Kuntzelman
8:15—9PM (resume) Transformative Fair
To RSVP: Andrea Dennis, 312.264.1629 email
Official Website:
Added by gonegal on February 1, 2010