Dance Entropy presents the third annual Green Space Blooms, a Queens celebration of new dance and music. The festival will take place at Green Space, Queens’ newest, most talked about professional and community dance venue on April 24, 25, 26 and May 1, 2, 3 at 8 P.M.
In response to the growing community of choreographers and dance artists in Queens and a lack of a specific Queens borough dance festival, Dance Entropy inaugurated the Green Space Blooms Dance Festival in April 2007. Growing each year, the third annual Green Space Blooms will feature 25 diverse choreographers as well as resident company Valerie Green/Dance Entropy. Completing each evening is a live music post performance party, sharing music from a different ethnic or classical tradition each night. The festival brings New York City-wide attention to Long Island City as a destination for quality, thought provoking dance and music.
Added by theresatm on April 21, 2009