1401 N Shoreline Blvd.
Mountain View, California 94043

The Green Enterprise Unconference is a gathering of professionals leading social responsibility, sustainability or environmental concerns and social entrepreneurship programs in their organizations.

Those involved with green initiatives in the Enterprise are faced with driving change within their organization, while simultaneously learning. The best source of information for green professionals is the perspective and experience of other green professionals.

The Green Enterprise Unconference is inspired by the "open space" conference format, which puts control of the event content in the hands of the attendees. (For a good description of an unconference event, see http://is.gd/21Nf). The Unconference format allows the best ideas of the group to come forward, facilitates extensive networking, and ensures thorough documentation of the proceedings.

The Green Enterprise Unconference is intended for those in their organizations responsible for green strategy and leading sustainability initiatives. We also expect related professionals, including other corporate representatives (such as from manufacturing, facilities, marketing, or IT); service-related companies relevant to this topic, VCs, the Press, and interested individuals from academia or the public. We expect several dozen sessions covering a broad range of topics relevant to enterprise green strategy, implementation, measurement, education, and practical experience regarding best practices.

The Computer History Museum in Mountain View is a unique venue with plenty of parking and WiFi. Lunch and snacks will be provided, and the Museum exhibits will be open to the group during the breaks.

The event is organized by Forum One Networks, a technology firm which sponsors unconferences of broad interest. For more event information, or information about sponsorship opportunities contact Bill Johnston. bjohnston@forumone.com - (p) 415.299.9638

Early bird discounted pricing of $145 available until 11/5/2008.

Official Website: http://www.forumonenetworks.com/content/calendar/detail/2096

Added by hvirga on September 30, 2008