Holiday Sale Market Place
Free Admission !!
Come & discover, meet & buy green and environmentally friendly services & products such as:
Anarres Natural Health A natural health practice - Massage, Reflexology, plus more
Autoshare Rent by the hour - An Alternative solution to owning a car
Balance Advertising Solutions Advertising, Promotions, Event Planning & more
Carbon Zero Learn how to neutralize your carbon emissions through offset projects located primarily in Canada.
Chocoland Handmade organic Fair Trade chocolates
Dandelion Food & Herb Healthy Pantry Stocking; Nutrition educating and consulting
Eco-Realtor Chris Chopik A ‘green’ conscious realtor
Fertile Ground Bookstore An Environmental Bookstore
Green Enterprise Toronto Green Enterprise Toronto, a network to help connect locally owned ‘green’ businesses and customers
Green for Life Effective, non-toxic and safe cleaning products for the home
Green is Black Eco-Ethical Fashions
Green Students Fundraising Offers CFLs (energy efficient light bulbs), canteens and other green products for fundraising projects
Heart on Your Sleeve Ethical, sustainable, local & Canadian Clothes
Merchants of Green Coffee Specializing in certified green Arabica coffees
Moments In The Sun 100% organic cotton (sweatshop-free) men's apparel
soma earth enterprises Echo-Architecture - creating green, sustainable, conscious spaces, homes & buildings
Tashodi Fair trade, natural, bath, body and face products
For more information contact GET at 416-644-1012
Official Website:
Added by Robertson Building on December 3, 2007