You are cordially invited to join Bay Area
environmental and social
change leaders at the. . .
Green Corps Reception and Celebration
Celebrating 14 years of training the next generation
of environmental
June 15th, 2006, 6:30 �€“ 8:30 pm
One Taste: An Urban Retreat Center, 1074 Folsom
Street, San Francisco
Organic Wine and hors d�€™oeuvres
RSVP by email to
Suggested minimum contribution of $50
Make your contribution today at
Come celebrate and mingle with your friends and
colleagues, while
raising funds for a vital organization that is
building the social
change movement!
Host Committee:
Michael Bornstein, San Francisco Bay Chapter of the
Sierra Club
Michael Brune, Rainforest Action Network
Andre Carothers, Rockwood Leadership Program
Mike Daley, San Francisco Bay Chapter of the Sierra
Kevin Danaher, Global Citizen Center
Design Action Collective
Chris Desser and Kirk Marckwald
Terry Edeli, The San Francisco School
Kirstin Falk, New Progressive Coalition
Greg Haegele, Sierra Club
Dan Jacobson, Environment California
Michael Kieschnick, Working Assets
Cathy Lerza, Tides Foundation
Julia Levin, Audubon California
Russell Long, Bluewater Network
Felicia Marcus, Trust for Public Land
Douglas and Janet Mooers
Teri Olle
Todd Paglia, ForestEthics
Congresswoman Nancy Pelosi
Doug Phelps, National Association of State PIRGs
Carl Pope, Sierra Club
John Schaeffer, Real Goods Solar Living Institute
Joan and Lynn Sepella
Michael Shellenberger, American Environics
Brian Smith, Earthjustice
Dan Smuts, The Wilderness Society
Staton and Hughes
Francesca Vietor
Mary Wells, California Wilderness Coalition
Wendy Wendlandt, National Association of State PIRGs
Adam Werbach, Act Now Productions
Green Corps Bay Area Alumni:
Eric Antebi, Sierra Club
Parker Blackman, Fenton Communications
Monica Bond, Center for Biological Diversity
Josh Buswell-Charkow, ForestEthics
Orli Cotel, Sierra Club
Bernadette Del Chiaro, Environment California
Erin Englebrecht, Sher Leff LLP
Claudia Eyzaguirre, Audubon California
Nick Guroff, UC Berkeley Graduate School of Journalism
Jacob Harold, The Bridgespan Group
Lindsey Hodel, San Francisco Bay Chapter of the Sierra
Marika Holmgren, Organic Events
Sarah Matsumoto, Endangered Species Coalition
Amy Matthews, Sierra Club
Tom Mooers, Sierra Watch
Michelle Mulkey, Fenton Communications
Melanie Nutter, Office of Congresswoman Nancy Pelosi
Valerie Orth, Global Exchange
Leila Salazar, Amazon Watch
Cathleen Sullivan, Greenpeace
Craig Tucker, Karuk Tribe of California
Cecily Vix, National Labor Relations Board
Anna Wagner, San Francisco Bay Chapter of the Sierra Club
Added by regs on May 30, 2006