USGBC-Redwood Empire Chapter
Green Building Professional Certificate Program
Six-month course beginning July 11, 2009
One Saturday per month
Four Thursday evenings per term
52 classroom hours
Save $100 - Register Early
$100 discount for early registration
Enter dicount code "earlyregistration"
Early registration ends May 31, 2009
Save $100 - Chapter Members
$100 discount for USGBC chapter members
Click here to become a chapter member - only $65/year
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10% discount applies to each registration
Enter discount code "tenpercent"
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Need Help?
Jon Nyberg, Executive Director | 707-543-6244 |
The Green Building Professional Certificate Program is an in-depth program providing an organized and insightful overview of green building and long-term sustainability. Structured in concert with the broad categories of the LEED Green Building Rating Systems, the program weaves together through lectures, discussions, videos, in-class exercises and field trips the full range of concepts, practices and strategies that are considered best practices within the world of green building. Courses are taught by core faculty and distinguished guest faculty from the green-building industry and academia.
Who should become a certified Green Building Professional?
Architects, engineers, planning and building officials, building facility managers, building contractors and subcontractors, real estate and development professionals, materials suppliers, educators, strategic planners and policy makers
Why become Green Building Professional?
Gain understanding of the paradigm shifts taking place in the global marketplaceBe able to redirect policies and practices toward long-term sustainabilityUnderstand concepts and strategies in the LEED Green Building Rating SystemsEstablish green goals that maximize vitality, community and profitabilityBecome a green champion in your workplace and community
Bruce Hammond, LEED AP, has been a general contractor since 1980. He is CEO and general manager of Hammond & Company, a construction services and development company specializing in high-quality residential and commercial projects throughout the northern Bay Area region. A consistent focus of the company has been on identifying and utilizing construction technologies and practices which minimize impact on the environment, with particular emphasis on energy efficiency, resource conservation and durability. His projects have been featured in numerous publications and he has been a featured speaker on green building for many conferences and professional organizations.
He is the solar-energy specialist for the City of Cotatis Design Review Board and has been one of its planning commissioners, instrumental in certifying the first LEED building in the North Bay and in establishing Cotatis Sustainable Building Program.
Mr. Hammond was the founding chairman of the Redwood Empire Chapter of the U.S. Green Building Council in 2001, and has been an active member of the board for the last seven years. He is also on the Certification Board of Green Advantage, a national training program for green-building professionals.
He was one of the founding faculties of the Green Building Professional Certificate Program at Sonoma State University where he has taught for the past five years.
Pete Gang AIA, LEED AP, has been a licensed general building contractor since 1985 and a licensed architect since 1991. His firm, Common Sense Design, specializes in spirited green architecture and provides green consulting on residential and commercial projects. Over the course of 20-plus years, Common Sense Design has designed over two hundred residential and commercial projects, utilizing a wide range of conventional and alternative building systems, energy- and resource-efficiency strategies, and other integrated green-building approaches.
In addition to his ongoing responsibilities as a practicing architect, green-building consultant, and teacher, he has given presentations to a variety of audiences on topics related to green building, including Bioneers; Real Goods Institute for Solar Living; Agilent Corporation; Redwood Empire Chapters of the AIA, the CSI, and ASCE; West Coast Green; and city councils and chambers of commerce in the North Bay region.
Mr. Gang co-founded the Redwood Empire Chapter of the U.S. Green Building Council in 2001 and has been an active board member for the last seven years.
He was one of the founding faculty of the Green Building Professional Certificate Program at Sonoma State University where he has taught for the past five years.
Organized by USGBC - Redwood Empire ChapterThe U.S. Green Building Council -Redwood Empire Chapter's mission is to promote the design, construction and operation of buildings in Marin, Sonoma, Napa, Mendocino, Lake, Humboldt and Del Norte Counties that are environmentally responsible, profitable and healthy places to live, work and learn.
Ticket Info: - Non-member, $1,804.95
- Chapter Member, $1,704.95
Official Website: http://greenbuildingprofessionaljuly-upcoming.eventbrite.com