Fully paved vendor spaces - Park facilities for families and children - Picnic tables, hiking, tennis - FREE admission to the public - Refreshments available.
SWAP MEET: Pre-registered vendor space $20. Day of event $30. CASH only. Contact: Elliott Cytron (314) 727-1170 days, or (314) 878-0534 evenings.
CAR SHOW: Opens at 8:00 a.m. Must be in place by 11:30 a.m. Antique, collector & special interest vehicles. All makes and models invited; must be 1983 or older. Pre-registration desirable; drive-ins welcome. Entry fee: $15 Judging, $10 Display. Trophies awarded at approx. 3:00 p.m. Contact: Carl Roedel (314) 821-4015
Sponsored by the Horseless Carriage Club of Missouri (HCCM), Inc.
HCCM phone is (314) 991-HONK (4665), or visit the website.
Official Website: http://www.hccmo.com/
Added by kopper on March 23, 2008