G3 is a gaming event that happens 3 times a year in the Dallas/Ft Worth area. It's aim is to bring gamers of all persuasions together in the spirit of fun and camaraderie. There is a mix of scheduled events, tournaments, and open gaming along with a boardgame catalog of over 50 titles to check out and play. Staff is also on hand to assist the uninitiated gamer in exploring this unique and engaging pass time.
So if you're a new comer, join us and discover the wonderment and joy you've been been missing. And if you're already an experienced gamer, stand with us in our endeavor to strengthen the gaming community and expand participation in our most beloved hobby.
$12.99 for Pre-registration and $15 at the door.
http://g3.forumarena.com for a G3 Forum exclusive discount code to receive $2 off the pre-registration price!
Organized by Greater Games Gathering AssociationG3 is a not-for-profit gamingassociation dedicated to bringingtabletop gamers of all kinds together in a thrice annual gaming convention held in the North Dallas area.
Ticket Info: G3 Pre-registration, $12.99
Official Website: http://g3april2009-upcoming.eventbrite.com